Friday, May 26, 2006

More divorce festivities

I just returned from my bank to get my ex's name taken off of my account. It's something I've been meaning to do for months now but haven't had the courage.

It's weird to walk into the bank and tell them that you need to take someone's name off your account; it's obvious why you're there. And in my case, I was there because the person I married was unfaithful and decided the relationship wasn't worth working on (it sounds so simple, doesn't it?). I often want to announce to everyone "I'm not a failure - it's not my fault!" while at the same time I know there's never a case when 100% of the fault lies on one party.

I dreaded this chore. But my anxiety was for naught. Not only was the "Financial Consultant" extremely nice, I also found through general chit-chat (I'm big on chit-chat) that she, too, was recently divorced, ending a marriage that did not last very long.

But I'm wondering how many people would have been put off by discussing their divorce with someone working at the bank. For me, it was helpful. It reminded me again that there are nice people in the world and that I'm not alone in being young and divorced.

Would you have been comforted or annoyed? how often is something proper to one person and improper to others?


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