Friday, June 09, 2006

New computer

I have been trying to decide what I want to do about a computer for two weeks now. At first, I tried to buy a new Dell. They were running fantastic deals, but I kept getting an error page when I tried to check out.

This morning it hit me that I might be approaching this from the wrong direction.

Computers are getting more and more common, to the point that they're almost an essential appliance in every home. I think in another ten years, every home will have computers like every home now has a refrigerator (but they'll still need refrigerators, I'd guess).

So I'm going to approach this new computer like buying a new refrigerator. In fact, I'm going to do one better: I'd assume that every laptop on the market now will only last 2-3 years (between planned obsolescence and the demands of laptops). So instead of plunking down $1,500 for a computer that will be gone in three years or less, I'm going to the low end:

A $600 laptop from Circuit City.

It's not top of the line, but it's disposable.


Blogger Julie said...

It appears that I may be joining you in this purchase sooner, rather than later.


2:43 PM  

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