Thursday, June 22, 2006

If you are reading this ...

you're in the wrong place.


And if you have any problems with that site, leave me a comment here.


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Fireworks downtown

Ok, so the fireworks were beautiful - they really were - but I wish they would start telling us before they have massive fireworks shows in my neighborhood.

And why, for that matter. I mean, there's got to be some occasion. Am I the only one who doesn't know what it is?

edit: Honda Hoot. duh. Maybe I should just read the paper....


Because Wordpress is like ice cream and blogger is like Fisher Price (parallel structure anyone? anyone?), I will be moving my blog later tonight - cross your fingers.

I don't think this move will affect anybody unless you read by feed. If so, go back to and get the new feed. Now with options!

And be sure to give me feedback.

Hearing people eat

I cannot stand listening to people eat.

It seems like the world is evenly divided between people who can't handle that sound and people who are oblivious.

And people in the second category always finds the noisiest food to eat in the quietest places.

Yesterday, cellphones. Today, chewing. What will tomorrow bring?

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I sure am glad the military has made it to the 20th century.

Oh, wait....

Bonnaroo top grossing event of its kind

So, Bonnaroo made a ton of money this year ...

and oil companies made a ton of money this year....

When the oil companies made huge profits, the masses were indignant and cried out for lower prices at the pump. Does that mean should protest for lower Bonnaroo prices next year?

I, of course, have boycotted Bonnaroo every year since its inception! Just like I have never given up anything for lent or had a New Year's resolution....

Cell phone noise

Why do cell phone conversations stick out?

I'm sitting in the library and someone across the room is on her cell. It's extremely distracting. She's breaking no rules; this isn't a quiet study room, and other people are talking, but only the person on the phone is distracting.

Is it because you only hear half of the conversation? or do people talk louder on the phone?

I just wish they had telephone free rooms on campus, like there used to be smoking and non-smoking rooms.

the thrills of pet ownership

Walking to class this morning, I discovered my cat chewed completely through my headphones cord last night.


Ironically, he almost chewed through the wireless internet adapter cord a few weeks ago, but I caught that one in time.

Yankee or Rebel?

as heard on NPR -

Do you speak like a Yankee or a Rebel ?

I thought I'd score more towards the north; I know I don't speak like the archetypal "southerner." But I actually scored "just south of the Mason-Dixon."

Surprisingly accurate.

How'd you do?

Monday, June 19, 2006

Rockytop Brigade

It's good to be listed again!

thanks to Johnny for all you've done!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Man purse

So I'm going to get myself one of these for "graduation." My only question is this: should I get the standard for $70 or pay extra to have one custom made?

And of course you know I'm trying to justify the custom made option.

Speaking of tipping