Saturday, June 17, 2006


In reassembling my bookmarks, I completely forgot about my beloved slashfood. In honor of remembering it, I'm doing a glance at what I found interesting there today:

Apparently you can die from eating expired foods. Sure, everyone knew that, but expired pancake mix? I don't know about you, but I almost never pay attention to expiration dates; I always go by smell. I'm starting to rethink the sniffer test.

A blogger in Spokane, WA, did some buffalo wing blogging, touring the nearby buffalo wing eateries and rating them. Now that is my idea of some fun blogging.

And good for you, too, since spicy foods offer so many health benefits. The two main things in my diet are hot tea and anything that makes me sweat, so I think I'm set.

And lastly, tipping is always a big issue for me, and apparently I'm not alone. Although I hate having to tip the wings delivery guy, I do. Apparently not everyone feels that way.


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